How Good Is Your SEO?

A few years ago, you didn’t need much to carve a niche for yourself online. Now, the competitive nature of doing business on the internet and the concerted efforts of search engines to produce only the most relevant results have made it necessary for website owners to implement a strong SEO strategy. But in view of the results you are getting and your current website page ranking, the important question remains: Is you’re SEO good enough?

In this post, we will cover a few techniques we use at Full View Designs, Leading Search Engine Optimization Company in Ottawa. This information will help you determine if you have the right SEO techniques in place.

Focus on organic traffic –

Organic traffic happens anytime sometime types a search query and chooses your webpage from the scores of result that shows up (not the paid ads that show at the top of the search engine result page). When you don’t pay for ads, but have significant traffic coming to your website via organic search, it shows an impressive SEO game. Organic traffic can only be increased if your website ranks high for relevant search on Google, and this can only happen with the right combination of SEO techniques such as keywords, improved meta title and descriptions and really awesome content.

Healthy conversion rate –

The truth is that conversion rate differs by industry and this will make it difficult to have an actual benchmark to work with. However, no matter the industry your business is in, a healthy conversion rate is one that translates into measurable revenue. For instance, the number of products sold in an ecommerce shop can be used to measure the level of conversion. Ditto the number of signups for a professional service. Your SEO is good if it is driving organic traffic to your website that accounts for an impressive conversion rate.

Bounce rate –

Bounce rate is the amount of traffic that leaves your website immediately after landing on it, or without visiting other pages. The level of bounce rate is a clear indicator of how accurately your page is to the target audience. It is also a good indicator of how easy or difficult your website is to navigate and use. Problem with functionality and usability is one of the reasons websites have a high bounce rate and if your analytics program shows a bounce rate of 70% and more, then you obviously need professional help on your website.


At the end of the day, the goal of any SEO strategy is your bottom line. A high ranking in SERP will result in an increase in organic traffic, but the goal of this traffic is to show an impressive return on investment, which means increase in sales. Note however that not every website conversion should lead to sales so you need a proper way of monitoring the conversion rate of your website. The bottom line is, every visit should lead to a conversion, which will either result into a sale, or whatever action you need your visitors to take.

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